The Biology of Aging: Research in the San Francisco Coordinating Center

March 1, 2024
1 to 2 p.m. PST
MH-1400 & ZOOM

Faculty of the San Francisco Coordinating Center (SFCC) lead research in many facets of aging, including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, mobility disability, and muscle aging. The seminar with show examples of our translational research in the biology of aging. Dr. Cawthon will present “Sarcopenia Highlights” where she will describe how a new measurement of skeletal muscle mass transformed our understanding of the importance of muscle in consequences of aging. Dr. Mau will present “The Role of Muscle Mitochondrial Energetics in Aging,” showing groundbreaking studies about the importance of mitochondria in mobility, frailty, and aging.


Peggy Cawthon, PhD, MPH Director, CPMC Research Institute Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF

Theresa Mau, PhD Scientist I, CPMC Research Institute


Steve Cummings, MD Exec Director, S. F. Coordinating Center, CPMC Research Institute Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology & Biostatistics (Emeritus), UCSF

Event Type: 
DEB Seminar