
The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics is committed to diversity in our workforce and among our professional collaborators and service providers; to equal and supportive inclusion of people from all backgrounds, regardless of race or ethnicity, age, ability status, socioeconomic status, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and cis- or transgender status; and to developing and actively maintaining equitable policies to advance these goals. In our roles as educators and researchers, we are also committed to working toward equitable professional opportunities, respectful and inclusive research practices, and health equity for all patients and populations.

The Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access (DEIA)

The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Committee on DEIA aims to increase understanding and collegiality by creating a culture that honors diversity, practices inclusion, and promotes equitable systems. Our goal is to cultivate a community where each individual is valued, respected, and included. Since its inception in 2016, the committee membership has reflected a diverse representation in terms of gender, race and ethnicity, seniority, and area of expertise (education, research, clinical care) and includes members from our faculty, staff, and trainee population. 

Vision: To enhance the diversity and inclusiveness of our training, research and practice communities and provide access to development opportunities in order to better achieve our department's vision to advance population health worldwide.

Mission: To promote and advance inclusion and community among DEB members by eliminating barriers and forging pathways to allow all department members to fully engage in their professional work. We respect and appreciate the diverse characteristics of each department member and we strive to foster an environment that enables all members to feel empowered, valued, respected and safe.

2020-2025 Goals:

  1. Increase the number and success of female and ethnic and racial underrepresented minority (URM) researchers at all career stages (students, post-doctoral fellows, non-faculty academic researchers, assistant, associate and full professors) through targeted recruitment and retention strategies and revised selection and promotion processes.
  2. Improve the learning environment for trainees, research and administrative staff, and faculty by enhancing mentorship and a culture of inclusion
  3. Increase visibility and opportunities for female and ethnic and racial URM research faculty in the department and externally
  4. Increase gender and ethnic and racial diversity of seminar speakers
  5. Increase knowledge and skills to engage respectfully with peers
  6. Increase opportunities for staff and non-faculty academic department members to advance; increase the representation of female and ethnic and racial URM constituents holding paid leadership positions and executive staff positions
  7. Increase scholarship related to health disparities research and policies to enhance equity
  8. Evaluate progress toward diversity, equity, inclusion and access goals

To achieve these goals, we have organized the following working groups for 2022-2023:

DEI seminar series: Develop and implement a series of talks and workshops to enhance learning of DEI topics and develop skills for inclusive research practices.

NIH diversity supplements: Create comprehensive resources to support applicants and establish a culture of applying for and receiving diversity supplements to create research opportunities for PhD, postdocs, and assistant professors.

Inclusive teaching: Equip instructors with materials and skills to create inclusive classroom and teaching environments. These activities are in partnership with Vice Chair for education (J.Chan) and educational programs. Related article: UCSF Faculty Boosts Diversity in Medical Curriculum, Sees Positive Outcomes

Hiring and promotion equity: Partner with HR shared services and UCSF LEAD grant (Leadership in Equity Advances Diversity) resources to develop training curriculum and draft materials to improve equity and increase diversity in staff and faculty hiring and promotions.

DEIA assessment and data: Develop assessment tools (questionnaires, town halls, panel discussions) to increase understanding of barriers to access and inclusion. Compile data and conduct analyses to support core DEIA activities and collaborate to translate findings into departmental activities.

Learn more about the Journal Club in Social Justice Epidemiology