Generative AI for Healthcare

June 26, 2024
noon to 1 p.m. PT

This panel will present three research projects at UCSF which use generative AI technologies for advancing patient outcomes and hospital processes: using Large Language Models (LLMs) to replicate physician-based case review for identifying diagnostic errors, summarizing patient social risk history and suggesting individualized social resources and social-needs informed care, and identifying reasons for lack of follow up for colon cancer screening.

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Artificial Intelligence at UCSF


  • Andrew Auerbach, MD
    Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Lisa Rotenstein, MD, MBA
    Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, DoC-IT
  • Lucas Zier, MD, MS
    Associate Professor, Cardiology, School of Medicine


  • Jean Feng, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Event Type: 
DEB Seminar