
Socioeconomic status affects health across racial and ethnic groups, large study shows

By Cameron Scott on April 15, 2022
Not long ago, public health research that identified disparate outcomes between racial or ethnic groups would conclude that the difference likely had to do with the lower socioeconomic status, on average, of non-whites – with a frequent caveat that maybe there was some genetic risk f

Call for Entries: DEB Award for Trainee Leadership in Population Health Scientific Dissemination and Communication

April 06, 2022
We are pleased to announce a new award in 2022, to recognize exceptional work disseminating scientific ideas relevant to population health. This award is meant to highlight the essential role of communication of research findings or scientific ideas to a broad audience for population health work.

Vittinghoff Innovation Award 2022 Call for Entries

April 05, 2022
We are encouraging nominations for the Vittinghoff Innovation Award.

Subtle signs of Alzheimer’s disease already present by age 50

By Cameron Scott on April 04, 2022
Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 6 million Americans. Despite years of intensive research, we still lack effective tools to treat this devastating form of dementia.

Follow-up prevents repeat ER visits for kids with asthma

By Jess Berthold on March 31, 2022
Follow-up care after an asthma-related visit to the emergency department (ED) may help prevent future ED visits for children, a new study led by UC San Francisco researchers found.

Welcome new LEAP K12 scholars

By Cameron Scott on March 28, 2022
We are pleased to announce the appointment of the second cohort of scholars to the Learning Health System Early Career Acceleration Program (LEAP) K12. LEAP supports the career development of scientists at UCSF and affiliate institutions who conduct patient-centered outcomes research within...

A call to take online slurs and threats more seriously

By Cameron Scott on March 23, 2022
An article by Hohl et al just published in the American Journal of Public Health builds on the March 2021 study by Yulin Hswen, ScD,  showing the rise of racist, anti-Asian hashtags on Twitter in the weeks after former president Trump referred in a tweet to SARS-Cov2 as “the Chinese virus.” Hohl et...

Dispatches from the war in Ukraine: radiological dimension

March 14, 2022
Dr. Chumak joined the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics from Ukraine to discuss the radiological situation there as it relates to the status of the country’s nuclear reactors. Dr. Chumak has been sending collaborators all over the world updates on the deteriorating situation in Ukraine...

Seniors with memory issues take multiple medications, but most are willing to cut down

By Suzanne Leigh on March 10, 2022
Some 58% of seniors with probable or possible dementia had otherwise good to excellent health, yet more than half of the total took six or more regular medications – a habit that may, at best, strain insurance costs and budgets, and at worst may result in adverse drug interactions and poor outcomes...
