Methods for the Margins: Towards an improved understanding of the health needs of hidden and hard-to-reach populations

January 28, 2025
10 to 11 a.m. PT
MH-2500 and via Zoom

Paul Wesson, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF

Socially marginalized populations often carry a disproportionate burden of disease risk factors and disease prevalence. Rigorous epidemiologic data is needed to design interventions and guide resource allocation. Yet, socially marginalized populations are often under-represented (or missing) from health research studies due to stigma, discrimination or other structural selection processes. In this seminar, I will discuss projects from two key research areas (population size estimation, HIV and incarceration) to address this knowledge gap and recommend future directions.

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Event Type: 
DEB Seminar