Program Evaluation to Enhance Implementation and Adaptation

This course will familiarize students with approaches to evaluating an evidence-informed health program or intervention using an implementation science lens. Learners will develop an evaluation plan that uses appropriate evaluation frameworks to guide the systematic collection of data to: 1) understand if and how a program/implementation strategy is meeting its stated goals and objectives; 2) improve program/implementation strategy effectiveness; and/or 3) make decisions about future programming.

At the end of this course students will be able to:

1. Understand and summarize the foundational concepts and applications of implementation science (ImS) models and frameworks in the context of program evaluation and diverse settings.

2. Select appropriate methods and metrics for conducting ImS-based program evaluation in diverse health contexts.

3. Identify and apply the most relevant and appropriate qualitative and mixed methods for gathering and analyzing data in ImS-based program evaluation in diverse settings.

4. Develop comprehensive designs for evaluation studies that address critical questions within healthcare systems.

5. Interpret evaluation findings, think through and understand sustainment objectives and methods, design engaging dissemination methods, and formulate effective public health recommendations and policies.


Clinicians, public health practitioners, and researchers wishing to gain knowledge and skills in program evaluation.

Prerequisites: None

Offered: Winter Term


Course Directors: Rachel King, PhD, MPH and Priya B. Shete, MD, MPH

Lecturers: Pending

Course Requirements

Required and optional readings will be posted on the course website.

Evaluation of student performance will be based on successful completion of weekly assignments and the final project presentation. The assignments will be geared toward developing sections of an evaluation plan. Completing this course will take an estimated 45 hours of work.