KL2 Scholars Program

The UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute Career Development Program (CTSI KL2) is supported by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, CTSI and the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry and Pharmacy.  Each year scholars at the faculty level will be selected for a career development award to begin July 1. Scholars receive three years* of salary support of up to $120,000 per year for 75% effort to pursue multidisciplinary clinical research with training and mentoring.

The main goals of the KL2 Scholar program are to increase the number and quality of outstanding clinical investigators skilled at leading multidisciplinary research teams and to promote clinical and translational investigation that will have an important impact on the health of the public.

*Note: the KL2 program is funded through June 2026. Selected scholars who begin in 2024 will be guaranteed two years of funding. The final third year of funding is contingent on a successful renewal.

Clinical & Translational Research
Clinical research is defined broadly as research involving humans, and the program emphasizes multidisciplinary T1 translational research (basic science of humans to clinical application studies) and T2 translational research (clinical application to improve health in the population). The program includes formal training in clinical research for those who do not have such training, a supportive environment, funding of $25,000 per year (for research, tuition and travel), weekly works-in-progress and methodology seminars, and access to core faculty who provide expertise and guidance in research design, measurement and questionnaire design, qualitative methods, study coordination, data management, biostatistical analysis, publishing and presenting research, and manuscript and grant writing. Prior formal training, such as the Advanced Training in Clinical Research Certificate or Master’s in Clinical Research degree increases competitiveness for receipt of a KL2 position. See section on Didactic Training in Clinical and Translational Research below. It is important for the research training in your career development plans to enhance your planned research activities.


Before submission, candidates should check with their department chairs to ensure that the department will provide salary supplementation in excess of $120,000 per year that is needed to cover their 75% protected time for training and research. According to the provisions in our CTSI grant, each of the four UCSF schools is required to share in the cost of providing training and infrastructure to KL2 scholars.

Note on resubmissions: If this is a resubmission, please address the reviewer comments and highlight your accomplishments and development since the previous application (e.g., enhanced training, mentors, tangible resources, track record, changes in research plan) in the Candidate Statement (an additional half-page is allowed for responses to reviewer comments).

Note on clinical trials: KL2 scholars may not conduct clinical trials beyond the end of phase IIA. A phase IIA clinical trial is a pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an intervention in patients with the disease or condition to be treated, diagnosed or prevented. These studies may focus on participant population characteristics, dose response, dose frequency or other characteristics related to safety or efficacy. Phase IIA trials are not considered pivotal trials of efficacy.


Required Elements for KL2 Application

Notice of Intent to Deadline: Monday, January 8, 2024 [send email to Gianna Guerrero indicating intent to apply and include full name, degrees held, school, department, division, and if you are resubmitting (this is not binding but helps us plan)]

Application Deadline: Monday, February 5, 2024, 6 PM

Please have the documents listed below ready to upload to the Application Form. Convert any Word documents to PDF. Please bundle the PDFs into two PDFs: one for the KL2 specific information and the other for the K23 information.

KL2-Specific Information

Type of Entry

KL2 Applicant Contact Information

Direct entry into the form

KL2 Applicant Demographics

Direct entry into the form

KL2 Mentor(s) Contact Information

Direct entry into the form

KL2 Candidate Statement (2 pgs., 2.5 pgs if resubmission)

KL2 form (PDF)

KL2 Lead Mentor Statement (1 pg.)

KL2 form (PDF)

KL2 Co-Mentor Statement (1 pg.)

KL2 form (PDF)

KL2 Department Chair Statement (1 pg.)

KL2 form (PDF)

NIH K23 Application Elements

Type of Entry

Project Summary/Abstract (1 pg.)

PDF attachment

Candidate's NIH Biosketch

PDF attachment

Lead Mentor's Biosketch

PDF attachment

Specific Aims (1 pg.)

PDF attachment

Research Strategy (5 pg.)

PDF attachment

References (Bibliographic)

PDF attachment

Protection of Human Subjects

PDF attachment


Application Form

Receipt, Review, Award Schedule

Call for applications/application format available

November 1, 2024

Notice of intent due

Jan 8, 2024

KL2 applications due

Feb 5, 2024

Interviews of selected applicants

Feb 12-Mar 15, 2024

Initial notification of awards

Week of Apr 1, 2024

Appointment start date

Jul 1, 2024