
Public Health and General Preventive Medicine Residency Program

The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, in cooperation with the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the School of Public Health at the UC Berkeley, sponsors a two-year residency for physicians that emphasizes prevention research and public health practice in governmental and managed care environments. The department also partners with Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center to offer a combined four-year internal medicine-preventive medicine residency.

Resident Research Training Program

The Resident Research Training Program, offered through the Clinical and Translational Science Training Hub, facilitates clinical and translational research opportunities for residents who plan to make research a part of their careers. The program includes training, career development, courses, funding opportunities for clinical research, travel to present findings at scientific meetings and an annual research symposium.

StARR Program

The Stimulating Access to Research in Residency Program supports and trains outstanding clinical residents with the potential to become successful clinical and translational researchers and advance understanding of cardiovascular or pulmonary health conditions.