Clinical Informatics Track

Clinical Informatics is the science of how to use and apply data, information, and knowledge to improve human health and health care services. The Clinical Informatics Track within the Masters in Clinical and Epidemiologic Research program seeks to help learners approach clinical informatics research and the translation into practice with scientific rigor. The track emphasizes research in clinical informatics for health equity. Topics will include electronic health record systems, artificial intelligence for human health care, data systems and standards, clinical decision support, clinical informatics health policy and regulation, and implementation and evaluation.

In addition to taking core courses within the Masters in Clinical and Epidemiologic Research program on fundamentals of epidemiology and biostatistics, learners in the Clinical Informatics Track will take a series of multidisciplinary elective courses to deepen expertise in clinical informatics. Students are required to take Introduction to Clinical Informatics (EPI 232) and other electives related to clinical informatics totaling at least 8 units. Other electives eligible for Clinical Informatics Track credit include Data Collection and Management Systems for Clinical Research (EPI 218), Use of Electronic Health Record Data for Research (EPI 231), and Clinical Informatics Artificial Intelligence (EPI 233 – scheduled for Spring 2025). As we build content within this track, we expect that additional elective courses may be available in the 2025-2026 academic year.

The Clinical Informatics track is ideal for learners who plan to pursue research using electronic health records data or research on the design, implementation, or evaluation of clinical informatics applications.

Sample Course Schedule

Year 1
Summer Clinical Research Workshop Fall Winter Spring

EPI 202 — Designing Clinical Research (2)

EPI 232 - Introduction to Clinical Informatics(2)

BIOSTAT 212 — Introduction to Statistical Computing in Clinical Research (1)


EPI 201 — Responsible Conduct of Research (0.5)

EPI 203 — Epidemiologic Methods (4)

EPI 204 — Clinical Epidemiology (3)*

BIOSTAT 200 — Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research I (3)

EPI 220/230 — TICR Program Seminar for First-Year Master's and Certificate Program Scholars (1)



EPI 205 — Clinical Trials (2)

EPI 222 — Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities: What Every Researcher Should Know (1)

BIOSTAT 208 — Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research II (3)

EPI 220/230 — TICR Program Seminar for First-Year Master's and Certificate Program Scholars (1)


EPI 212 — Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research (1)

BIOSTAT 209 — Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research III (3)

EPI 220/230 — TICR Program Seminar for First-Year Master's and Certificate Program Scholars (1)


Year 2
Fall Winter Spring

(EPI 204 — Clinical Epidemiology (3))*

BIOSTAT 210 — Biostatistical Methods for
Clinical Research IV

EPI 221 — Master's Seminar II (1)

EPI 300  — Educational Practice (2)** (summer or fall)



EPI 221 — Master's Seminar II (1)

EPI 231  — Use of Electronic Health Record Data
for Clinical Research

EPI 300  — Educational Practice (2)**




EPI 221 — Master's Seminar II (1)

EPI 233  —  Clinical Informatics AI

EPI 300  — Educational Practice (2)**




Clinical Informatics Track students are welcome to take additional Electives during any quarter but it is not required. 

* MS students can opt to take EPI 204 in MAS year 1 or MAS Year 2
** Educational Practice assignments will be made in May of year 1. Students may complete assignments during one quarter of the 2nd year.

Required and Elective Courses
Sample Course Schedule
2024-2025 Schedule Overview