Current students with questions can contact Clair Dunne ([email protected]), TICR Program Administrator, or schedule a meeting with Elaine Ku, TICR Program Director.
In addition to the 38-unit minimum course requirement, students must also complete three clinical research products and instructional experience.
Bylaws for the Master's Degree In Clinical & Epidemiological Research Program
The following requirements follow the natural progression of a research project, from a review of the existing literature to publication. Each element of the required work is relevant to student’s research productivity and enhances his or her credibility as an emerging researcher. Before embarking on these products, scholars should have their concepts approved by each member of his or her master’s committee.
- Comprehensive literature critique: Each master’s student composes a systematic review and critique of the literature pertinent to a specific research question (or set of related questions) in his or her research field, culminating in a five to 10-page report that demonstrates a mastery of the field’s literature. The fundamental objective of this requirement is for the scholar to demonstrate that he or she can evaluate a number of papers/reports regarding a particular substantive question (or set of related questions), provide high-level critique of the threats to validity in the individual papers and then come to a conclusion about the question(s) in hand. The critique must have a methods section detailing the process for identifying and analyzing the articles. The report should be undertaken with an eye toward formal publication, but this is not required. Students are expected, although not required, to complete this requirement by the end of the first year.
- First-authored oral or poster presentation at a national or international meeting: Students are required to submit a first-authored abstract to a nationally or internationally recognized scientific meeting/conference within the scholar's academic field and have that abstract accepted for either poster or oral presentation. It may be acceptable in selected cases, with pre-approval by the scholar's master’s committee, to present work that was started prior to enrollment in the program. It is expected that the work represent a substantive contribution to the scholar's research field.
- Submission as first author of a peer-reviewed manuscript: Using data analyzed (but not necessarily collected) during residence in the master's program, students must prepare and submit a first-authored manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal that is approved by the master’s committee. It may be acceptable in selected cases, upon approval of the scholar's committee, to submit work that was started prior to enrollment in the program. The manuscript may be a comprehensive extension of the work submitted in abstract form to a national meeting. It is expected that the work represent a substantive contribution to the scholar's research field.
Students are required to gain instructional experience (typically in their second year) in one course within the TICR Program. This experience typically involves leading a weekly small-group discussion section of 10 to 15 students, holding office hours for students and grading homework assignments and projects. Satisfactory completion of this pedagogical experience is required for advancement to degree completion.
Each scholar will form a master's committee, which will consist of three faculty members:
- A representative from the scholar's academic field of interest (e.g., cardiology). This individual should be conducting primary research in the scholar's chosen field and will typically be a faculty member at UCSF. Upon approval from the MS program directors, individuals from outside of UCSF (e.g., UC, Berkeley, Stanford University, or the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry) may serve in this capacity.
- An epidemiologist/clinical researcher faculty member (primary or secondary/affiliated appointment) from the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. If possible, a faculty member with working knowledge of the scholar's substantive interests should be chosen.
- A biostatistician faculty member (primary or secondary/affiliated appointment) from the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. This committee member will be assigned by the department according to the scholar’s substantive interests and methodologic needs.
The purpose of this committee is both to provide mentorship and to evaluate the achievement of the requirements for graduation. With the exception of the biostatistician (who will be assigned by the program), scholars should select and submit committee members to the Master's Program Director by the end of the Winter Quarter in the first year, and to meet with their committee at least quarterly, thereafter, to review progress and set future objectives.
One committee member should be selected as the Chairperson, whose role is to arbitrate when there is significant disagreement among committee members or to advocate for the scholar if he/she is experiencing difficulties gaining access to other committee members or scheduling meetings of the committee. The Chairperson must hold either a primary or secondary/affiliated faculty appointment in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. It is expected that scholars will meet with their committees at least quarterly to review progress and set future objectives.
By March 1 of the first year, scholars will be required to complete the first meeting form indicating: 1) that they have had at least one meeting with all 3 members of their Master's Committee present and, 2) that the committee members and scholar agree that the scholar is making satisfactory progress toward meeting the program requirements (i.e., the comprehensive literature review, first-authored presentation and manuscript). The completed form should be sent by March 1 of the first year in the program. Scholars must complete this form in order to be eligible to register for subsequent quarters.
9 months prior (September of 2nd year) to when scholars anticipate completing the last of their original research research products (i.e., the comprehensive literature review, first-authored presentation and manuscript), scholars are required to complete the 2nd committee meeting form indicating that they have had at least one meeting with all 3 members of their Master's Committee present where the content and timeline were agreed upon regarding the completion of the three research products. For example, if the scholar plans to graduate at the end of the Spring quarter of the second year (the minimum length of stay in the program), then he/she will need to file for graduation by approximately June 5 and thus should complete the 2nd committee meeting form by no later than September of 2nd year. The purpose of this 2nd committee meeting is to ensure that the Committee is well aware of the exact projects the scholars have chosen to fulfill their requirements. The completed form should be sent to [email protected].
At no less than 3 months prior (March of the 2nd year) to the date that scholars anticipate completing the last of their original research products (i.e., the comprehensive literature review, first-authored presentation and manuscript), scholars are also required to complete the 3rd committee meeting form indicating that they have had at least one meeting with all 3 members of their Master's Committee present where a final plan and timeline were agreed upon regarding the content and completion of the three research products. For example, if the scholar plans to graduate at the end of the Spring quarter of the second year (the minimum length of stay in the program), then he/she will need to file for graduation by approximately June 5 and thus should complete the 3rd committee meeting form by no later than March 5. The purpose of this 3rd/final meeting is to ensure that the Committee is well aware of and agrees with the final plans the scholar has made to fulfill the program's research product requirements. The objective is to avoid last minute submissions to Committee members, which defeat the purpose of obtaining the members' well-reasoned advice. It is, however, anticipated that the scholar will continue to meet with Committee members, either together or individually, after this 3rd meeting for further mentoring and review of the scholar's work. When planning for final approval of products by Master's Committee members, scholars should expect that Committee members may require as long as three weeks to return comments to the scholar. Therefore, Committee members should be presented with drafts of the required products well before the scholars' anticipated graduation. The completed form and electronic files of all three required products should be sent to [email protected].
At all required Committee meetings (and any other meetings held with the full committee), the scholar should take the responsibility for setting the agenda for the meeting, including sending out the agenda and accompanying materials (e.g., drafts of products) by e-mail at least one week prior to the meeting.
Policy on Student Progress
Grading policy is determined by the UCSF Graduate Division. In particular, scholars should note that UCSF graduate students must maintain at least a 3.0 (B average) and that letter grades cannot be converted to "S/U" after the deadline for the respective quarter. It is the policy of the Training in Clinical Research (TICR) Program that one "C" grade or less (or one "U" grade) will trigger a discussion between the program director and the student about the expected level of performance in the program. Two or more grades of "C" or less (or two or more "U" grades) will trigger a formal review by the program and the chair of the scholars’ master’s committee. This formal review will develop an individualized remediation plan to address the deficiencies. A memorandum of understanding will be generated that clearly outlines specific steps and associated timeline that the scholar must fulfill in order to return to satisfactory performance. The memorandum will be signed by the following parties: the scholar, the master’s committee chair, and the program director. Should a scholar be unable to fulfill the expectations according to the timeline outlined in the memorandum, the student will be subject to dismissal from the program.
All students are required to sign the professional conduct form at orientation.
Disciplinary Committee
The MS and ATCR programs in Clinical and Epidemiological Research expect that all enrolled graduate students will adhere to the terms outlined in the Professional Conduct Statement (which is shared with students and signed by all students upon enrollment).
In the event of any alleged violation of the terms of the Professional Conduct Statement (such as use of answer keys from prior years to complete homework or final assignments), the Course Director will refer such instances to the TICR Program Director and the Disciplinary Committee Head.
The TICR Director and/or Disciplinary Committee Head will review the circumstances and if there is clear evidence of a violation of the terms of the Professional Conduct Statement, the case will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for discussion, and if appropriate, a plan for remediation will be proposed. After a remediation plan is agreed upon, the Disciplinary Committee Head will schedule a meeting with the student, the student’s advisor (if the student wishes to bring their advisor), and the Program Administrator to review the remediation plan (which will also be shared in a formal memorandum of understanding) with the student for a first infraction.
If this is a second alleged infraction, the incident will be referred directly to the Disciplinary Committee and an in-depth review will occur. In such instances, the student will be considered for dismissal from the program as per guidelines which can be reviewed here:
The Disciplinary Committee is a standing committee which consists of a minimum of three individuals (including the TICR Program Director). However, all individuals who have a personal relationship with a student will be recused from participation in the Disciplinary Committee meetings. If the TICR Program Director is in conflict and needs to be recused, the Vice Chair of Education will serve on the committee in their place.
Filing for graduation
The UCSF Graduate Division's Completion of Degree Requirements form should be used to document the completion of the required number of course units and the three required products of clinical research. Scholars should use this form to have their Master's Committee members mark their signatures attesting to the satisfactory completion of each written requirement. Scholars must be registered for the quarter during which they complete the last of their requirements, whether it is coursework or any of the written products. The Completion of Degree Requirements form must be completed and submitted to the [email protected] along with electronic files of all these required products by the end of the quarter during which the scholar plans to graduate.
UCSF Graduation
At the end of the academic year, the UCSF Graduate Division invites all Master's Program scholars who anticipate graduating in the calendar year to participate in university-wide graduation ceremonies. Information about the ceremony is distributed in approximately March of each year.