
Low COVID-19 testing rates in people with new onset fever may have contributed to the fall surge

By Cameron Scott on May 03, 2021
Fever is a common symptom of COVID-19 and develops early in the disease, when the sick are most likely to be contagious. That means that testing those who develop the symptom is a key opportunity to slow the spread of the virus.

C.D.C. Eases Outdoor Mask Guidance for Vaccinated Americans

By Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Roni Caryn Rabin, New York Times on April 27, 2021
First publlished in the New York Times The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took a major step on Tuesday toward coaxing Americans into a post-pandemic world, relaxing the rules on mask wearing outdoors as coronavirus cases recede and people increasingly chafe against restrictions.

Want to be robust at 40-plus? Meeting minimum exercise guidelines won’t cut it

By Suzanne Leigh on April 16, 2021
Young adults must step up their exercise routines to reduce their chances of developing high blood pressure or hypertension – a condition that may lead to heart attack and stroke, as well as dementia in later life. 

After JAMA questioned racism in medicine, scientists are boycotting

By Stephanie M. Lee, BuzzFeed News on April 01, 2021
Last month, Monica McLemore and a team of scientists at the University of California at San Francisco were wrapping up research into a troubling pandemic disparity: Pregnant women of color with COVID-19 appear to be at higher risk for premature birth. It was a finding they hoped to publish in the...

How inequities fueled the COVID-19 pandemic – and what we can do about it

By Brandon R. Reynolds on March 23, 2021
COVID-19 has exposed many vulnerabilities in our society – fueling the spread of the virus and leaving questions about what comes next as the world emerges from the pandemic.

How anti-Asian activity online set the stage for real-world violence

By Davey Alba, New York Times on March 19, 2021
First published in the New York Times. In January, a new group popped up on the messaging app Telegram, named after an Asian slur.

Anti-Asian hashtags soared after Donald Trump first tied COVID-19 to China on Twitter, study shows

By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY on March 18, 2021
The week after then-President Donald Trump first used the hashtag #chinesevirus on Twitter, the number of people using the hashtag increased more than tenfold, and they were much more likely to include anti-Asian hashtags than those who used #covid19 in their tweets.

To keep a sharp mind, start thinking of heart health in your 20s

By Suzanne Leigh on March 18, 2021
Obesity, hypertension, high glucose in early adulthood may take heavy toll on cognition in late life, UCSF-led study shows
