Implementation Science Track

Implementation science (IS) aims to improve the adoption of evidence-based practices and policies in clinical care and public health, and the development of best evidence through community engagement. Responding to the increasing global concern that the tremendous advances we have achieved in developing effective tests, treatments and preventive measures are not being fully translated into improved population health, the IS track focuses on applying clinical research in real-world settings. 

The IS track is ideal for researchers who plan to pursue the development, implementation and/or evaluation of policies, practice-based interventions and/or community-based programs designed to: 1) improve uptake/safety/quality/access; 2) reach diverse populations; 3) reduce the overuse of diagnostic tests or treatments; or 4) provide preventive medicine or health promotion programs. 

Coursework in the track is guided by a conceptual framework that illustrates the different groups and organizations targeted by implementation research, and emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and community participation for the effective translation of evidence into practice. Master's program students who elect the IS track can begin coursework in the fall quarter of their first or second year and typically enroll in at least one IS course per quarter during the second year. In addition to course requirements, IS track scholars receive career mentoring and specialized feedback on their research protocols.

One distinction of IS research is its emphasis on multidisciplinary collaboration and teamwork. The IS track increases scholars' exposure to and contact with a broad spectrum of UCSF faculty conducting IS research, an important step in developing a research network that scholars can call upon throughout their careers.

Students completing the track must complete EPI 245 and two additional ImS electives.  Students may not take more than 3 ImS courses as part fo the MS program.   Students can take ImS coursework in year 1 or year 2.  Several ImS courses are impacted and have limited enrollment.  Piroity is given to MS year 2 students who have committed to the ImS track.  

Sample Course Schedule

Year 1
Summer Clinical Research Workshop*

Fall1, 2


Winter1, 2 Spring1, 2

EPI 202 — Designing Clinical Research (2)

EPI 201 — Responsible Conduct of Research (0.5)

BIOSTAT 212 — Introduction to Statistical Computing in Clinical Research (1)



EPI 203 — Epidemiologic Methods (4)

EPI 204 — Clinical Epidemiology (3)

BIOSTAT 200 — Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research I (3)

EPI 220/230 — TICR Program Seminar for First-Year and Master's and Certificate Program Scholars (1)


EPI 205 — Clinical Trials (2)

BIOSTAT 208 — Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research II (3)

EPI 220/230 — TICR Program Seminar for First-Year and Master's and Certificate Program Scholars (1)

EPI 222 — Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities: What Every Researcher Should Know (1)


EPI 214 — Systematic Review/Meta-Analysis (1)

BIOSTAT 209 — Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research III (3)

EPI 220/230 — TICR Program Seminar for First-Year and Master's and Certificate Program Scholars (1)


Year 2
Fall Winter Spring

BIOSTAT 210 — Biostatistics for Clinical Research IV (2)

EPI 221 — Master's Seminar II (1)

EPI 245 — Translating Evidence into Practice (2)1, 2

EPI 248 — Translating Practice into Evidence: Community-Engaged Research (2) 1, 2

Optional Elective3:

EPI 243 - Human Centered Design

EPI 221 — Master's Seminar II (1)

Optional Electives3

EPI 242: Program Evaluation in Clinical and Public Health Settings (2)

EPI 246: Designing Individual-Level Implementation Strategies (2)

EPI 267 - Qualitative Methods (2)


EPI 221 — Master's Seminar II (1)


Optional Elective3

EPI 241: Study Designs for Intervention Research in Real-workd Settings (2)

EPI 247: Designing Interventions to Change Organizational Behavior (2)

EPI 249: Translating Evidence into Policy (2)

* Student in the ImS track are exempt from taking EPI 218
1 EPI 245 is required courses for the ImS track.   These courses can  be taken in MS year 1 or MS year 2. 

2 Due to space limitations, preference is given to 2nd year MS students. Enrollment in this track not guaranteed due to high demand.
3 Students are required to take 2 ImS electives to meet the ImS track requirements.  Students may not take more than 3 ImS courses within the MS program.